nothing much to say.sje nk update blog.xpelah kalo xde org bce pon.hehe
and yep yep the PR job almost ended. PR? bkn SR? hehe yelah same la tu keje SR ni xde laen nye pon dgn keje PR. the main job was to propagate or lebih tepat managing the chain of informations,on anything regarded as academic from the university administration to beloved fellow students.dan ade lg side job yg laen xperlu dilistkn kt cni kannn. ;)
ok what im trying to say here is,after a year taking this post,what good does it give me? or do i get better?
haha this is not a boasting around session. but i cannot deny that doing this job does do me something good.even if it's not much. especially when it comes to how to work with ppl. PEOPLE.plural not singular. yeah i tell you what doing this job enables u to meet vast variation of different kind of ppl.different preferences.different view and opinion and different need. thus this will make u learn to understand ppl more and start to berfikir secara lebih meluas means ur aspect of seeing things,ur considerations and everything will be more meluas.not just revolve around u like anybody it's a good thing actually.
and not just that,this can also affect your way of judging things and making not saying im the best at that at the moment but at least u'll learn to make the best one for everyone and of course not every single of it is the right one.but definitely u've learnt to do it somehow.and actually, later in life u'll find that this kind of skills is quite vital for u to cont living,haha least to cont living healthily if u got what i mean.
dealing with ppl really do u good in controlling ur attitude. u'll learn to take things whether the bad ones or the good one in a proper manner rather than to just act ur way.and that's why u see professional ppl tidak cepat melatah and handle things very wisely and indeed professionally.and again im not saying that im a pro now but at least i've learnt to do it in the best way i can. hummpp (-_-)".
and the job will change hand.and many wouldn't want to do it.many wont. i know it's a big burden plus we already have a massive one which is studying meds.but i once heard a sister telling me this,we actually never know our capacity.our limit.we are like a cup but with an unknown volume capacity.water is being pouring into us but we don't know how much we can take.we never know.only He knows. and actually from my point view,i think that our capacity is actually changing. u can take this amount rite now and after some hurdles and obstacles or hardships,and we're manage to overcome it. accustomed by it and the capacity will change.we may take some more.[you know what,our cup get bigger and bigger!].if you compare the you 5 years ago the you rite now,ponder upon it for a while,do u think that the capacity is still same.not changing?nahh i bet of course it's not the same.and if it is,then actually you're not gaining from ur life,you're just grow old with it.and it's such a waste of ur time.ur own time which you will be asked about in our next chapter of life.the afterlife.
enough babbling.if u believe in Him actually though everything might seems not to be going ur way,then it's ok. u have Him,u always have.Dia tolong hamba yg meminta pertolongan,Dia mengampunkan hamba yg meminta pengampunan.if u think u have had enough and it's too much for u,then call ur lifeline,ask for strength from Him for He is the source of all strength, and everything will be alright inshaAllah biiznillah.
and pssstt...this lifeline did have no limit! ;)
capacity: ability to cope with something mainly hardships,obstacles,which is a must in life.a must for u to live a meaningful maybe reflecting ur inner strength.simply said,your self integrity.[this is my aspect of interpreting the word,not taken from any official,literally based source]
nothing much to say.sje nk update blog.xpelah kalo xde org bce pon.hehe
and yep yep the PR job almost ended. PR? bkn SR? hehe yelah same la tu keje SR ni xde laen nye pon dgn keje PR. the main job was to propagate or lebih tepat managing the chain of informations,on anything regarded as academic from the university administration to beloved fellow students.dan ade lg side job yg laen xperlu dilistkn kt cni kannn. ;)
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the PR job |
ok what im trying to say here is,after a year taking this post,what good does it give me? or do i get better?
haha this is not a boasting around session. but i cannot deny that doing this job does do me something good.even if it's not much. especially when it comes to how to work with ppl. PEOPLE.plural not singular. yeah i tell you what doing this job enables u to meet vast variation of different kind of ppl.different preferences.different view and opinion and different need. thus this will make u learn to understand ppl more and start to berfikir secara lebih meluas means ur aspect of seeing things,ur considerations and everything will be more meluas.not just revolve around u like anybody it's a good thing actually.
and not just that,this can also affect your way of judging things and making not saying im the best at that at the moment but at least u'll learn to make the best one for everyone and of course not every single of it is the right one.but definitely u've learnt to do it somehow.and actually, later in life u'll find that this kind of skills is quite vital for u to cont living,haha least to cont living healthily if u got what i mean.
dealing with ppl really do u good in controlling ur attitude. u'll learn to take things whether the bad ones or the good one in a proper manner rather than to just act ur way.and that's why u see professional ppl tidak cepat melatah and handle things very wisely and indeed professionally.and again im not saying that im a pro now but at least i've learnt to do it in the best way i can. hummpp (-_-)".
and the job will change hand.and many wouldn't want to do it.many wont. i know it's a big burden plus we already have a massive one which is studying meds.but i once heard a sister telling me this,we actually never know our capacity.our limit.we are like a cup but with an unknown volume capacity.water is being pouring into us but we don't know how much we can take.we never know.only He knows. and actually from my point view,i think that our capacity is actually changing. u can take this amount rite now and after some hurdles and obstacles or hardships,and we're manage to overcome it. accustomed by it and the capacity will change.we may take some more.[you know what,our cup get bigger and bigger!].if you compare the you 5 years ago the you rite now,ponder upon it for a while,do u think that the capacity is still same.not changing?nahh i bet of course it's not the same.and if it is,then actually you're not gaining from ur life,you're just grow old with it.and it's such a waste of ur time.ur own time which you will be asked about in our next chapter of life.the afterlife.
enough babbling.if u believe in Him actually though everything might seems not to be going ur way,then it's ok. u have Him,u always have.Dia tolong hamba yg meminta pertolongan,Dia mengampunkan hamba yg meminta pengampunan.if u think u have had enough and it's too much for u,then call ur lifeline,ask for strength from Him for He is the source of all strength, and everything will be alright inshaAllah biiznillah.
and pssstt...this lifeline did have no limit! ;)
capacity: ability to cope with something mainly hardships,obstacles,which is a must in life.a must for u to live a meaningful maybe reflecting ur inner strength.simply said,your self integrity.[this is my aspect of interpreting the word,not taken from any official,literally based source]