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"...Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikutinya dalam perkara-perkara kecil..." Khutbah terakhir Rasulullah SAW.

Friday, July 26, 2013

약한심장 의 이야기

This is a story of a heart, a coward heart
Because it cant handle bad news well
Easily get hurt
And afraid to get up once again

And to overcome that 'heartbreaking' disaster, the brain try to interfere
By resorting to a protective mechanism.
That is,
By fostering the worst ever scenario that could happen. Negative thoughts.
Yeah it works. Sometimes.

And lately,
The heart seems to get a little smarter.
No matter how hard the brain try to foster that worst thoughts
Forcing it to believe that those thoughts  would eventually happened
Things would end badly,in a disaster.
Trying hard to fool it.
So that heart can be prepared.
But despite all that,
The brain seems unable to shake the heart
There's still this thin thread of hope of this innocent heart, trying to convince the brain,
That things will end up just how the brain originally wanted things to end but pretending not to, because brain is too smart
Brain is afraid that the heart will break,get hurt, so it will not listen to heart.
The brain is not easily fooled. Just like the heart, not easily fooled by the brain either.

And to end this unending inner conflict, they both learn to let go, to forget.

But frustrating enough
Letting go and trying to forget is not easy, yet it is almost impossible,
Without a help from time.

Because only time can get brain to forget and heart lose hope.

BGM: Squall by Fukuyama Masaharu

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My Novel List

  • Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Louis de Bernières
  • The Last Week of May - Roisin Meaney
  • After Dark - Haruki Murakami
  • The Kite Runner - By Khaled Husseini
  • HP series - JK Rowling